Friday, July 8, 2016

Feature & Follow 7/8

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read. Be sure to follow BOTH host & visit the other blogs! You never know when you will make that friend for life! Who doesn't like making more book loving friends!

How to Follow A Bookish Mess:
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You can find all this on the RIGHT (& left!) side!
You can choose one or ALL. We are not picky! & be sure to let us know you are a new follower!

Color Favorites: Show us beautiful book covers in your fave color!


While red is not my ALL time favorite color - for some reason, when it comes to book covers it is! My usual favorite color is yellow or white.. I know, I know.. WHITE?! It works with me though lol. Just look at those covers! How can someone NOT like them?!

Do you have books in a favorite color?
Don't forget to leave your links for your FF!
Thank you for stopping by today!
Click HERE to read all the other answers!


  1. Those covers are amazing. I always liked red on book covers (to make it pop). Subscribed to your email. Followed your social media. Great to see you! ~Kelly

  2. This is such a fun theme for the Feature and Follow. I haven't done this meme in so long! This makes me wish I had more time today to join in. I'd be finding pink covers. :-) Three of the books you have up there I've read and loved!

  3. Gorgeous covers! Here’s my FF. Following you through Bloglovin’ and GFC.

  4. Red is also not my favorite color either, but these covers are absolutely gorgeous especially ACOTAR book. Thank you for stopping by my FF. Old Follower.
